प्रिय विद्यार्थियों

मेरी शिक्षा काफी अभाव में हुई है जब मै विद्यार्थी था तब मैंने कई तरह की समस्याओं का सामना किया है इसलिए मैं यह चाहता हूं जिन समस्याओं का सामना मैंने किया है उन समस्या का सामना आपको ना करना पड़े हमारा उद्देश्य है हर उस विद्यार्थी तक शिक्षा पहुंचे जो अधिक पैसे नहीं खर्च कर सकता, हर उस विद्यार्थी तक शिक्षा पहुंचे जो दूर-दराज के ग्रामीण इलाके में रहता हैजहां ना तो आस पास विद्यालय है ना ही आसानी से शिक्षक उपलब्ध हो पाते हैं इसलिए मेरा प्रयास है उन बच्चो के लिए जो इन्टरनेट का इस्तेमाल करते हैं और इन्टरनेट के जरिए पढाई करते हैं| आप सभी app Join कर Free शिक्षा ग्रहण करें।


Explore Learning Course Catalog

Our Mentors also Guides the Students for Appropriate Selection of the Courses.

Select Your Study Goal

Reset your research strategy by browsing through our lists of top colleges, exams,courses and careers based on your area of interest!

IIT JEE | NEET preparation


EDUCATION SOURCE brings to you scientific and meticulously designed Psychometric Career Assessments to discover your true potential and interest. This is definitely true when it comes to choosing a career path for yourself, and this is the reason why we at EDUCATION SOURCE have come together to help, guide and counsel students so that they can choose the right career path for themselves. 

One of the Best services in field of Education for Career Counseling and Admission Guidance. With more than 9 years of experience (Est .Jan, 2014) in college admission & career guidance.We have successfully placed more than 1000+ students in top colleges & universities of India & abroad also. 

Our aim is to provide you the top colleges, courses for higher education after 10th, 12th, and degree. We do assist with some of the most popular career choices in India as Engineering, Medical & MBA are the 3 most rewarding courses in India which have a very high demand among aspirants. As spart from the mainstream courses, we provide assistance for more than 50 other courses related to science, commerce, arts, agriculture, law, biotech, foodtech, marine and fashion stream. 

15 Years Of Experience As An department of education

The Education Source was established in 2014 with the aim of providing quality guidance to students who intend to study. Today, we are the leaders in educational organization  and represent leading colleges and universities in India [ Bihar , West Bengal,  Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bangalore, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu and many more.

01 Excelent Counseling Technique

Our counselor takes care of student choice and demands of future Technology. We offer only innovative courses for you. 

02 We Believe on Team Work

Teamwork is necessary for getting quality results. Our team dedicates to provide appropriate information for your future career. 

03 Punctuality is the key of success

Time management is mandatory for any project. We believe that work must be complete on time. We provide admission and visa support always on time. 


One of the Best services in field of Education for Career Counseling and Admission Guidance. With more than 9 years of experience (estab.jan, 2014) in college admission & career guidance. We have successfully placed more than 1000+ students in top colleges & universities of India & abroad also.

Our aim is to provide you the top colleges, courses for higher education after 10th, 12th, and degree. We do assist with some of the most popular career choices in India as Engineering, Medical & MBA are the 3 most rewarding courses in India which have a very high demand among aspirants. As spart from the mainstream courses, we provide assistance for more than 50 other courses related to science, commerce, arts, agriculture, law, biotech, foodtech, marine and fashion stream.

 EDUCATION SOURCE Service's team of education and industry experts will shape your future experiences by helping your make clear and conscious career choices. In case you miss out on application deadline, or do not score a satisfactory score, EDUCATION SOURCE will help you get in the collage of your dreams through Management Quota/NRI Quota/ Direct Admissions/Institutional quota.

EDUCATION SOURCE has tie-ups with many prestigious institutions in India and abroad which helps you compare and identify which course and which institute is right for you based on your career goals. Whatever your query or question is, Alush Services will give a prompt and a positive response. We are available 24/7 on phone, whatsapp and on email.

EDUCATION SOURCE offers personalized assistance to every aspiring student at all crucial steps of the application and admission process, starting with selection of college/institute/university, training for competitive examinations, assistance with submission of documents, and even visa counseling service among many others. EDUCATION SOURCE Service's expert team will help you prepare an error free application so that you do not waste crucial time. Wide network with schools/colleges and other institutions in India and abroad lets you choose from a wide assemblage.

Why Choose Us?

yes, we are different from others.

Career Councelling

Admission Guidance

Virtual Councelling


Online Counseling

It's very difficult to move around the world while you are planning for a future career.our online counselor may help you for selecting the course and higher education abroad.

One to One counseling

We counsel students one by one with simple language, so parents and students understand the things about admission and course selection.

Believe on our work

We target the goal with students. We believe in perfection and concentrate on our aim.


Students approach us for correct guidance and we are available 24x7 for our student with internet or personal meet and give accurate guidance for his/her career.